Art work
Rudyard Kipling Inspirational Figures Project - Sept 2023-present
Aretha Franklin, david Attenborough, charles Darwin, frida kahlo
mahatma gandhi, greta thunberg, malala yousafzai, nelson mandela
emmeline pankhurst, rosa parks, mary seacole, alan turing
marcus rashford, neil armstrong, michelle and barack obama
Woodingdean Primary Animals Project
Bonobo - bicycle inner tubes
Giraffe - assorted plastic toys and draught excluder
gorilla - assorted plastic objects
orangutan - felt pens, golf tees, basketball
lion - driftwood
tiger - coat hangers
white tiger - coat hangers
elephant - assorted plastic objects
polar bear - plumbing tubing and building parts
hummingbird - plastic cutlery, knitting needles, hot water bottle
otter - driftwood
Honeybees - recycled jewellery
zebra - data cables
leopard - assorted plastic construction toys, electrical parts and plastic plants
Parkwood Scouts District Camp - July 2023
Two days of graffiti workshops for children aged 7-11 and 12-18 as part of the Scouts Annual District Camp at their Parkwood site - commission to design a mural in their outdoor shelter
Downs collages - mixed media on recycled ply and floorboards
Brighton People postcard project
A6 and A5 gift cards for sale and available to order via email
hair guy, salty sea bird, dungaree lady
Crafty bch, Disco Diva, Straw Hat Man
Made from data cables and other ephemera
(from a Brighton Scenes series #wip)
Teddy H Salad collage
Collaborative Collage made from driftwood, inspired by the artist Teddy H Salad, made by children at Carden Primary School, Brighton. This piece is due to be displayed at the Fisher Theatre in Bungay, Suffolk, at Teddy Salad’s latest exhibition, July 2024.
The Scrap Space, Shoreham
“One person’s trash is another one’s treasure” - a collaborative collage designed by children at Carden Primary School, Brighton, for the Scrap Space Resource Centre in Shoreham for their outside walls, May 2024.